VP5000-DC/DC60, VP5000-DC/DC200-HL
Notes on planning
Last edited 2019-02-08
by Sonja Scheunert
91 / 173
Case 2
In this application, there is an isolating device without its own external precharging circuit between
VP5000 and the voltage source. In this case, the voltage difference described above and the high
compensation currents can occur. To prevent this, the higher-level control must send the
"discharge" command to VE before the isolating device is opened. This opens the contactors for
the precharging circuit on the VP5000. Only then may the isolating device switch on the voltage.
The VP5000 starts again regularly with the integrated precharging circuit during the subsequent
Case 3
In this application, there is an isolating device with an external precharging circuit between
VP5000 and the voltage source. Or the voltage source has its own precharging circuit. In this
case, the external precharging circuit must perform the precharging. It is advisable to check
whether the other components in the application can withstand this type of voltage connection.
Measuring current ripple and voltage ripple
Due to the wide range of possible applications, ARADEX AG cannot make any general statements
about the strength of the current ripple and voltage ripple for your specific application.
ARADEX AG recommends measuring current and voltage on the integrated VECTOPOWER during
operation. If the measurement results do not meet the requirements of your application, take
external damping measures. See chapter 4.3.17 Notes on system integration, Using external
capacitors and chokes to attenuate the voltage ripple and current ripple.
The current ripple and voltage ripple that occur depend on external influences on the circuits that
are connected to the [DC+/-] and [/-] connections. External capacitances, inductivities,
and resistances, for example, have an effect on the circuit.
In addition, internal influences affect the DC link [DC+/-]. The voltage ripple at the internal
capacitors depends on the operating point.
Normally, the circuit to which control is applied shows less current ripple and voltage ripple than
the unregulated circuit. When used as a buck converter, the circuit is controlled at [/-].
When used as a boost converter, the circuit is controlled at [DC+/-].
Using external capacitors and chokes to attenuate the voltage ripple
and current ripple
A proven measure for attenuating current ripple and voltage ripple is to install capacitors in the
affected [DC+/-] or [/-] circuit.