Before opponents finish three hits to open the scoring segment, the player can continue to hit
the “open” scoring segment for getting higher scores to the opponents.
After all players finish the three hits of the same scoring segment, the segment will be “closed”
and can not be scored again.
When all players “close” all the scoring segments, the player with the lowest score is the winner.
G06 Double Score Cricket (d00 ,d20, d25)
1. Only that segments for 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and bullseye are in play.
2. d00——The player can hit any segment of 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and bullseye. There is no
sequence for the segments;
d20——The player must hit 20 three times first, then follow with 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and
bullseye in order;
d25——The player must hit the bullseye three times first, then follow with 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20 in order.
3. The game is the same as the game “Score Cricket” except that the player must hit each double
scoring segment first then to continue the game.
G07 Shove-A-Penny Cricket (P00, 20, 25——at least for two players)
1. It is valid only that segments for 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and bullseye are hit.
2. P00——The player can hit any segment of 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and bullseye. There is no
sequence for the segments;
P20——The player must hit 20 three times first, then follow with 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and
bullseye in order;
P25——The player must hit the bullseye three times first, then follow with 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20 in order.
3. The game is similar with the game “Simple Cricket”. The exceptions are as follow:
If the current player hits the scoring segment more than three times, then the excess will be
added to the next player. But after the current player hits the scoring segment three times and
“closes” the segment, if the player hits the segment again, then the excess will not be added to
the next player. For example: player one hits segment 16 two times and three indicators for seg-
ment 16 will turn on two. Then the player hits the triple for segment 16 and the excess two times
for the player will be added to player two. Now player two can “close” segment 16 by hitting it
only one time. But if the player one hits segment 16 three times, then the three indicators for the
segment will turn on all and the segment will be closed. Now, if player one hits the double for the
segment, then the excess two times for the player will not be added to player two.
The player that hits all the scoring segments three times wins the game.
G08 Round Clock (5,10,15,20)
Option (5,10,15,20) represents that hitting any scoring segment is valid.
5——Hit the scoring segments from 1 to 5;
10——Hit the scoring segments from 1 to 10;
15——Hit the scoring segments from 1 to 15;
20——Hit the scoring segments from 1 to 20.
The player must throw the darts to the scoring segment based on the indication of the device. If
the segment is hit, the next segment will be indicated and the device will voice out “Yes”; or it
will voice out “No”.
The player that hits all the scoring segments first is the winner.