Caring for your Dart Board
This dartboard is suitable for both steel tip and soft tip darts, however, you will extend the life of
the bristle segments by using steel tip darts.
This dart board is powered by 4 double A batteries.
Apply proper force and stance to throw darts. It is not necessary to throw darts hard for the darts
to stick to this natural sisal board.
Moisture: Do not spill liquids on the board as it will damage the electronics. Avoid subjecting
your dart board to excessive moisture to extend life of natural sisal.
Cleaning: Clean your dart board with a damp cloth and/or mild detergent only.
Tips and Techniques
A proper stance is to align your hand, elbow, shoulder, hip and foot. If you are throwing with
your right hand, then turn to your left so that your right side is facing the board. Put your
weight on your right foot and lean slightly forward while balancing with your left foot. If you are
throwing with your right foot then do the reverse.
The throwing motion should be from your elbow to finger tips. Keep your body steady and use
only your hand, wrist and forearm. Bring your forearm slightly back, and with a fluid motion
throw the dart toward the board. Follow through by pointing your index finger at the target area
as you release the dart. Practice! Practice! Practice!
Button Functions
GAME button
Press this button to page through the on-screen game menu and select game. During the game,
press the button to end the current game and return to starting status.
OPTION button
Press this button to select different variations of the games.
PLAYER button
When starting press this button to set the number of players. During play use this button to
check the score of each player
DOUBLE button
Only for game “G01” (refer to Game Instructions)
Use this button to set the difficulty level of the game for each player. For example, if 4 players
play “G01”, player one can set starting point at 801, player two 501, player three 301 and player
four 201.
POWER button
Use this button to turn dart board electronics on and off.
SOUND button
Press the button to set sound on or off.
At the start press this button to set team play. During game, press this button to clear the score
of the current dart.
MISS button
Press this button to decrease the number of darts remaining when a dart does not hit a segment.