The Bluetooth
Halo Aerial Technology
antenna AQ-BTANT-1 (included) improves the standard
Bluetooth wireless signal and range, for a stronger signal and increased range.
Please read the precautions and installation instructions below before installing the AQ-
BTANT-1 Bluetooth Antenna.
3.3 Bluetooth
Halo Aerial Technology
3.3.2 Bluetooth
Halo Aerial Technology
1. Connect the Bluetooth Antenna’s cable to the
Halo Aerial Technology connector on the control
panel, ensuring it is fully secure by turning
clockwise until it is finger tight.
2. Make sure the arrow is pointing directly upwards
towards the sky when the antenna is mounted to
ensure the Bluetooth range is maximized.
3. Screw on the provided Bluetooth Antenna,
avoiding bending the cable at more than a 60°
4. Install the Bluetooth Antenna making sure the
arrow is pointing directly upwards towards the
sky. If there is no suitable surface to screw it in,
we recommend using a good quality double sided
Connect the Bluetooth
Halo Aerial Technology
Antenna (AQ-BTANT-1) to the male SMA
connector. Do not apply excessive torque on the SMA connector (no more than 0.5N-m). Use
hands to tighten the connection (do not use a wrench).
To ensure that the range is maximized, make sure the arrow is pointing directly upwards
towards the sky when the antenna is mounted.
If there is excess antenna cable length make sure this is coiled and not bent as bending may
cause damage to the cable.
For spa or hot tub installation the antenna should be located above the waterline otherwise
Bluetooth range will be drastically reduced.
3.3.1 Bluetooth
Halo Aerial Technology
Installation & Wiring
Combined Bluetooth Stereo Subwoofer AQ-SWA8-6BT