Installation guide page 1
Hose connections below the water line should secured with 2 hose clamps.
All hose clamps must checked time to time and tighten if need.
During assembly of the hose nozzles and fittings, few windings of Teflon-tape have to
be wrapped around the screw thread against screw direction as tightly as possible.
The grommets may not be screwed too tightly in the filters or stop-cocks. If possible,
install hoses moved upward from the thru-hull fitting to the filters and up to the high-
pressure pump. This will prevent accumulation of air in the hoses.
Thru-hull fitting, Strainer and feed pump
The thru-hull fitting, coarse filter and the feed pump have to be located in an area that
will always be under the waterline when the boat is used under normal running
conditions. Install the feed pump close as possibly to the thru-hull fitting.
Install a thru-hull fitting and sea-cock, preferably deep under water line. The best
place is about amid-ships behind the keel.
Install afterwards a coarse filter for protection the feed pump. To avoid mechanical
stress, do not mount the strainer directly to the sea-cock.
The feed pump must be flooded before turn on, otherwise the bearings will be
destroyed by drought. The system has to be fully de-aerated by means of the feed
pump. To allow any air to escape, switch the pump on and off few times and open air
release valve at pre filter.
Depending on the type of boat, there might occur problems with the seawater intake
at a speed of more than about 8 knots.
Depending on the used thru-hull fitting, hull shape and speed, the inflow of seawater
can be hampered or even be impossible. Damages to the plant due to insufficient or
missing seawater inflow will not be covered by the warranty or guarantee.
Do not connect the feed pump directly to a filter housing, tap or similar.
Only connect to other components with the enclosed hose nozzles and hose.
The following installation position must be observed in order to make it difficult to set
deposits and to allow the escape of air.
Mounting position of the feed pump
not permitted