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Warranty Information
The Aquascape Pond Powerhead is guaranteed for three years from date of purchase. Proof of purchase required.
Warranty does not cover damage resulting from negligent handling, misuse, or lack of reasonable maintenance or
care. Warranty is valid against defects due to material and workmanship only. The sole obligation shall be to replace
the defective unit with a suitable replacement unit. Units should be checked for proper operation prior to returning as
defective. No liability for loss or damage of any nature or kind, whether arising out of or from the use of the product,
whether defective or not defective, is assumed by Aquascape, Inc. or its affiliates.
Item number/description
91146 - Pond Powerhead Replacement Cage Kit
91145 - Pond Powerhead Replacement Propeller Kit
Pond Powerhead Replacement Parts
Replacement Parts
• Reduced water flow
– Remove any debris from the outside of the unit
– Clean the propeller rotor assembly and internal pump body
– Make sure the powerhead is receiving the correct voltage
– Make sure the propeller blades are not worn or damaged
• Pump not working
– Ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) may have tripped
– The pump is not receiving the correct voltage