2A, Sillamäe,
40231 Estonia
International: +372 356 2204 21
Skype: aquaphor market.pro
e-mail: [email protected]
"1.000" constant of electrode. This value is suitable for most electrodes , other
electrodes require to change the value in according with the manufacturer's
recommendations. Default Value is "1.000".
"200.0" The limit for electrical conductivity of the electrode. The default value
The duration of flushing "A - 050" "005" is the default value in seconds,
the range can be changed from 0 to 249 seconds. If fixed with "90", it will wash for
90 seconds every time the system starts.
The duration of the washing «B
- 050" "005" is the default, the range is 0-249
seconds. If set to "90", the system will flush 90 seconds every time the system stops
after filling the tank of permeate, or if the system is restarted in the case of a low
water level in the storage source water.
The interval between washes "C - 99" "03" default value in hours, in the range of 0-
99 hours. If set to "03" , the system will flush the membrane every 3 hours of
continuous operation or standby mode.
If you are not satisfied with the parameters, you can change them using the buttons
When changes are made, press the button
to save your changes and return
to the control and measurement (if you don’t press this button, after 3 minutes the
system returns to the control and measurement automatically, but the changes will not
be saved).
If your system has the function of washing membranes (index F)
The system is equipped with SERVO VALVE for membranes washing.
This valve is more reliable and is better suited for RO systems operating at high
pressure (more than 1 mPa). Servo valve helps eliminate such factors as a breaking
membrane of solenoid valve and clogging salts from drainage water, which leads to
uncontrolled drain water.
The RO system must keep those parameters:
Flush time A- not less than 50 seconds
Flush time B - not less than 50 seconds
This time is necessary to fully close the servo valve (~ 45 seconds). In the switch
position "RO CONTROL» «OFF» and «CIP» servo valve will be
open and it will be
a red indicator
Additionally, the valve position can be determined by mechanical