AQUA ULTRAVIOLET 42371 AVENIDA ALVARADO TEMECULA CA 92590 TEL: 951-296-3480 FAX: 951-296-3490
Where do I install my Ozone UV Unit?
Install your Ozone UV after the filter. Solids in unfiltered water block UV light penetration.The residual ozone
left in your water can kill beneficial bacteria housed in your filter if the ozone UV is plumbed inline before the
Do I have to turn my Ozone UV Unit off when I clean my filter?
Yes, but only if the chamber is drained or if the water will remain at a stand still for more than 30 minutes.
Note: Running longer than the recommended time without water flow can cause extensive damage to the unit
that is not covered under warranty.
What should I expect after my Ozone UV Unit is installed?
If your Aqua Ultraviolet system is installed after the filter and is properly sized the water should be clear in 3-5
days. If your Aqua Ultraviolet system is installed before the filter the water should be clear in 7-10 days. The
green algae on the sides and bottom of the pond will not disappear, this is normal in a pond. The UV does not
control this type of algae.
What’s the difference between a sterilizer and a clarifier?
As a sterilizer, your Aqua UV system will keep your pond or aquarium water crystal clear, plus you will have
the added benefit of bacterial control which will help keep your fish healthy and happy with less risk of dis-
ease. As a clarifier the algae in your pond will be reduced, your pond will still have a green tint to it, unless you
have 50-75% plant coverage or your pond is in full shade.
Do I install my Ozone UV Unit vertically or horizontally?
You can install it either way - (see Installation Instructions Page 11 and 12)
What should my flow rate be on my pond or fresh water aquarium?
The optimum flow rate on your pond or fresh water aquarium is to turn over the volume of water one time
every hour to every hour and a half.
What should my flow rate be on my salt water aquarium?
Your flow rate should be 3 to 5 times the volume of water per hour.
Should I bypass part of my water through the Ozone UV Unit and the rest back to the water supply?
No, Our Unit’s are specifically designed to handle high flow rates for easier installation and
the best water quality.
Is this unit submersible?
No, not this specific series.