In the event that you should have to send your cleaner in for repair, you must package the cleaner properly to ensure it
reaches the repair facility safely and without incurring damage during transport. This will delay your repair turnaround
time and require you to contact your shipper directly to dispute damages.
If the troubleshooting methods shown within the Troubleshooting Guide (Summary or In Depth; Pages 22 - 30) have not
corrected your technical service issue or has proven that your cleaner requires review by an Aqua Products Authorized
Service Center, please visit Aqua Products’ Customer Service Department online at AquaProducts.com/Service to locate
Ask the technical service analyst whether the Power Supply needs to accompany the cleaner. If yes, the Power Cord
should be coiled (Fig. 27a) and the Power Supply should be entirely well wrapped in bubble-wrap or equivalent
protective material (Fig. 27b). The Power Supply should be positioned in the center of the base of the shipping
box and the shipping box base must be firmly sealed (Fig. 27b).
IMPORTANT: A Return Authorization Number (RMA) must be obtained from Aqua Products prior to shipping
cleaner to its repair facility. Any item shipped to Aqua Products without a proper RMA number will be refused
and returned!
Figure 27a
Figure 27b
(do not coil cable in a
figure 8 configuration)
(do not place cleaner
on top of power supply)
When not in use it is important that your cleaner, its Floating Cable and Power Supply are properly stored in a clean and dry
area, away from direct sunlight, protected from below freezing temperatures and exposure to chemicals and their fumes (i.e.
chlorine). This will help prevent any unnecessary wear or damage to your cleaner or its components. Prior to storing your
cleaner, thoroughly clean your Filter Bag and dry off your cleaner. Ensure that its Floating Cable is untangled, not twisted
nor in a figure eight, but rather coiled either around your cleaner’s body or in large circular loops and positioned under your
cleaner. Be sure to rest your cleaner on its side so that its Brushes do not get flat spots.