To Change Super Brushes for full length and “split” Wheel Tubes: (Fig. 20)
Using a pair of pliers, grab one end of the stainless steel Rod that is securing
the old Brushes onto the Wheel Tube. Pull away from the Wheel Tube slowly
until the entire existing Brush is freed and removed (Fig. 20).
Wrap the new Super Brush around the Wheel Tube.
Join the ends of the replacement Super Brush using the Metal Rod supplied
in the package. Slide the Rod through the Tabs molded into the ends of the
Brush (Fig. 20). Make sure that the Rod is inserted through every Tab.
To Change Molded Rubber Brushes for full length Wheel Tubes (Fig. 19a, 19b):
Carefully cut the Tabs with scissors facing
away from you and your hands clear
from the cutting direction (Fig. 19b).
Wrap the new Brush around the Wheel Tube (Fig. 19a).
Insert one of the center rubber Tabs into the corresponding Slot on the other
end of the Brush (Fig. 19a). Gently rock the Tab back and forth until the Tab pulls
through and is secure. Be careful not to tear the rubber Tabs.
Once secure you may cut the excess Tab Flap away from the Brush. Be careful not
to cut the Tab base that secures the Brush around the Wheel Tube (Fig. 19b).
Figure 19a
Figure 19b
To protect against personal injury and damage to your cleaner always unplug your cleaner from its Power Supply
prior to performing any maintenance or repair procedures!
TIP! Start by working the Tabs at the center of the
Brush and working outwards.
TIP! Leave Molded Rubber Brushes and Super Brushes
in direct sunlight to warm up before mounting. They
will be more pliable and easier to work with.
TIP! Leave Molded Rubber Brushes and Super Brushes
in direct sunlight to warm up before mounting. They
will be more pliable and easier to work with.
TIP! Using needle-nosed pliers will make it easier to grasp and pull the
Tabs as needed.
Figure 20
Figure 21
TIP! Lubricate the Rod with soapy water and use a pair of pliers to hold
the Rod to make it easier to insert.
To Change Foam Brushes for full length Wheel Tubes: (Fig. 21)
Grab each plastic Brush Tab and pull away from the plastic Buttons that secure
the Brush to free the Brush from the Wheel Tube.
Wrap the new Brushes around the Wheel Tube.
Pull the Tabs with the Holes over the corresponding Buttons found on the
opposite end of the plastic Brush Grid (Fig. 21). Make sure that they fit snugly.
Repeat this process with all of the Tabs and Buttons.
IMPORTANT: When using a cutting instrument, such as scissors, always wear protective attire such as protective
goggles and gloves and be sure to always cut away from yourself to prevent unnecessary injury!