Trouble Shooting Guide
Note: EZ-Vac wall climbing ability may be limited in some pools.
• Ensure the pool water is properly balanced. For example, High pH and/or lack of chlorine,
makes the walls very slippery
• Increase the suction using the flow regulator.
• Check balance of cleaner to make sure hose weights are in the correct position
• Decrease the
suction using the flow regulator.
• Adjust the hose weight provided towards the cleaner head.
Cleaner does not move
or moves slowly
it may be
necessary to increase flow to compensate
for the reduced flexibility of the hose and diaphragm.
• Use Suction test gauge at end of hose to make sure the suction is sufficient.
• Adjust Flow Regulator #7, to increase flow to cleaner.
• Clean pool skimmer basket and filter.
• Check diaphragm for damage or wear. Replace if cracked or damaged.
• If the pool has multiple skimmers, verify that the skimmer not connected to the cleaner
is closed. Close skimmer that is not in use.
• Check for air in system. If water level in pump basket drops or you see excessive air
bubbles in the pump basket or coming from the return lines, there is air in the system.
Check hose connections, remove any air in vacuum hose and tighten all fittings at pump.
• If the pool has a main drain, close drain using valve until proper suction is achieved.
Cleaner does not cover
entire pool
• Adjust Flow Regulator #7, to increase suction to cleaner.
Ensure that the correct amount of hose is installed. Try adding or taking away
one or two hose lengths.
• Ensure that all the returns are directing water flow towards the floor of the pool, adjusting
the eyeballs, or using water diverters available at your local pool shop.
• Make sure hose is not kinked or coiled. Lay in sun to straighten if necessary.
• Confirm proper hose length.
Cleaner does not climb
Cleaner spends too
much time on the walls,
and/or climbs out of
the water.
Cleaner sticks in
corners under ladders
or on pool steps.
• Adjust Flow Regulator #7, to decrease suction to cleaner.
Ensure that the correct amount of hose is installed. Try adding or taking away
one or two hose lengths.
• Ensure that all the returns are directing water flow towards the floor of the pool,
adjusting the eyeballs, or using water diverters available at your local pool shop.
• Make sure hose is not kinked or coiled. Lay in sun to straighten if necessary.
• Confirm proper hose length and suction - adjust as necessary.
Cleaner stays in only
one end of the pool.
Ensure that the correct amount of hose is installed. Try adding or taking away
one or two hose lengths.
• Ensure that all the returns are directing water flow towards the floor of the pool, adjusting
the eyeballs, or using water diverters available at your local pool shop.
• Make sure hose is not kinked or coiled. Lay in sun to straighten if necessary.
• Confirm proper hose length.
• Adjust the hose weight provided towards the cleaner head.
Cleaner falls on its side
• Adjust Flow Regulator #7, to increase suction to cleaner
• Make sure that the vacuum swivels freely where it is connected to the hose.
Additional parts and technical support are available at [email protected] or call directly
1-877-852-4264 Mon – Thurs 8AM-5PM or Friday 8AM-3PM EST