aquaero 6:
Maximum current is 2.5 A per output independent of output voltage, result-
ing in a maximum power of 30 W at 12 V. Outputs will be switched of if
amplifier temperatures reach a critical level and will automatically be reacti-
vated when cooled down. If an output current of 3 A is exceeded, the out-
put will be permanently disabled. To reactivate the output, the aquaero (or
the complete PC) has to be disconnected from power for a short period of
time. The fan outputs are short-circuit proof.
All fan connectors can be used for conventional fans or PWM controlled
fans. For PWM fans, select “Outputs” “Fans” “Fan 1-4” from the menu
and set “Control mode” to “PWM controlled”.
Special feature “Fan 1”:
Special feature “Fan 1”:
Special feature “Fan 1”:
Special feature “Fan 1”: This connector can alternatively be connected to a
flow sensor. If connected to a flow sensor, select “Sensors” “Flow sensors”
“Flow 2” from the menu and set “Mode” to “Fan 1 = Flow sensor”.
Pin assignment: Pin 1: GND
Pin 2: 0-12 V
Pin 3: Speed signal
Pin 4: PWM signal (aquaero 5: Fan 4 only)
4.4. Connector “PWM 1/2”
4.4. Connector “PWM 1/2”
4.4. Connector “PWM 1/2”
4.4. Connector “PWM 1/2”
Pulse width modulated 12 V outputs, maximum current load 1 A, carrier fre-
quency 15 kHz.
Pin assignment: Pin 1: VCC
Pin 2: GND
4.5. Connector „IR LED“
4.5. Connector „IR LED“
4.5. Connector „IR LED“
4.5. Connector „IR LED“
Connector for an infrared transmitter LED. This output is not yet functional
with firmware version 1033 and will be activated with an forthcoming
firmware update.
Pin assignment: Pin 1: GND
Pin 2: +12 V
Pin 3: Signal
Pin 4: +5 V
© 2014
Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
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Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen