610 Gateway Center Way, Suites J & K
San Diego, CA 92102 USA
P: 1 619 263 4164
F: 1 619 263 6814
APS Australia
Unit 1, 72 Kent Way
Malaga WA 6090 Australia
P: 61 (8) 9248 4419
F: 61 (8) 9248 4901
APS: Singapore
This output is an Active Low (switch to ground). One example use of this output is
to drive an LED indicator in a side mirror when there is an object in the side blind
zone. Contact PRECO® Electronics support for more information.
System Connections
Locate the vehicle’s ignition power wire and connect to the red wire on the sensor
harness. If it is necessary to extend the power wire on the supplied harness,
use 20AWG wire as a minimum. Locate the vehicle’s turn signal wire that is
associated with the turn signal on the side on which the sensor is being installed,
and connect to the blue wire.
(Be sure that the turn signal wire selected activates
ONLY when the turn signal is active. On some trucks the daytime running lights
and/or air brakes will activate the wires connected to the turn signal lamp).
Connect the black wire of the sensor harness to vehicle ground.
System Operation
The Side Defender™ radar system has two different modes of operation
depending on if vehicle speed information is supplied to the system over the
J1939 CAN bus.
No Vehicle Speed Available
If vehicle speed is NOT available to the system, the Side Defender™ system will
detect and report all objects in the sensor field of view.
Vehicle Speed is Available
If vehicle speed is available to the system, the sensor is capable of filtering out
stationary objects such as guardrails or concrete barriers, while still detecting
moving objects in the blind zone based on the speed. This feature minimizes
‘nuisance alerts’ due to stationary objects in the detection zone, e.g. guardrails,
signs, etc. This mode is optimized for on-highway blind zone collision mitigation
due to lane change or merging.
Figure 4.
Wiring Connections