610 Gateway Center Way, Suites J & K
San Diego, CA 92102 USA
P: 1 619 263 4164
F: 1 619 263 6814
APS Australia
Unit 1, 72 Kent Way
Malaga WA 6090 Australia
P: 61 (8) 9248 4419
F: 61 (8) 9248 4901
APS: Singapore
Initial System Power Up and Test
Once the sensor and display are installed, wired, and connected, power should be
applied to test correct system operation. When the system is operating correctly
in an open field with no obstructions, the status LED indicating green will be the
only light illuminated. If the detection LED (yellow) is lit, check for any vehicle
obstruction which may be detected by the sensor. If possible, move the sensor so
it is not detecting the object(s). If it is not possible to relocate the sensor, consult
PRECO® Electronics.
If for some reason the system is malfunctioning, the status LED and detection
LED will flash in unison and the buzzer will emit a short stuttering sound. Refer to
the Troubleshooting section to determine the error and potential causes.
Once the system has been installed, the detection zone should be tested. This
test should be performed with two people, one who remains in the cab (the
operator), and one who walks through the sensor field to the side of the vehicle
(the assistant). The operator engages the parking brake, depresses the vehicle
brake, and turns on the ignition. The assistant then walks through the detection
zone while the operator notes where the detection LED illuminates. Moving about
the side of the vehicle and noting when the detection LED illuminates is the way
to map an accurate detection zone.
Once the detection zone is determined, test the display buzzer operation. With
nothing in the sensor detection area (green LED on), activate the appropriate turn
signal. Have the assistant walk into the detection zone and verify that the display
detection LED illuminates and the display buzzer emits a short tone. With the
turn signal still activated, have the assistant walk out of the detection zone. Once
the detection LED turns off, have the assistant walk back into the zone again. At
this point, only the detection LED will illuminate. The display buzzer should not