Guidelines for robotic configurations
• Stack the thermal block and the control box using a rack or place sideways with no clearance
between the side panels.
• Ensure an exhaust clearance of 10cm at the back, with no obstruction at the air intake of the
thermal module, and a minimum 2.5cm from the front panel.
Back: Air outlet
Front: Air inlet
Location of fan
• In case of multiple thermal blocks on a deck or rack, ensure the exhaust air from one thermal block
does not directly blow into the front air intake of another unit.
Connect Automated Thermal Cycler to a robotic system
Please contact your robotic system manufacturer for information on software compatibility, physical
mounting of the ATC on your robot, and licensing information. For the most recent information
regarding robot compatibility, driver information, and the full instrument user guide please visit
Perform a thermal protocol run
See Appendix B, “Command dictionaries” for details on defining the various cycles, steps, and stages
of a protocol run.
Ensure that the consumable is properly sealed with a compatible adhesive.
Use the URL,
to access the Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC)
System via SiLA commands.
The IP address,, displayed in the URL is representative and will vary as per the
location of the instrument.
Define the protocol.
Assay Name :
Target Device Type :
ATC PCR Cycler
Chapter 3
Operate the Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) System as part of a robotic system
Connect Automated Thermal Cycler to a robotic system
Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) System User Guide