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Using the Big Ben with a Sync I/O

When using a SYNC I/O with a Big Ben, we 


 nd it best to make the SYNC I/O the master and have the Big

Ben lock to it. The Big Ben can then send its superior clock out to all of your audio interfaces. In the example
below we are using 192’s. However the setup would be the same if you were using AD and DA-16X’s or
Rosetta’s connected via the X-HD option card. The only difference would be that the set up in Pro Tools is a
bit simpler, as explained on Pg. 3 of this document.

1) Connect a 75 ohm BNC cable from Word Clock out of the Sync I/O to the Word Clock In of the Big
2) Connect a 75 ohm BNC cable between the WC Out connections of Big Ben and the EXT In of each
audio interface.
3) Do NOT connect the LOOP Sync connections between the audio interfaces or to the SYNC I/O. To best
take advantage of Big Ben’s superior clock, each interface must be connected directly to a Big Ben word
clock output.

W/C Out of the Sync I/O to
W/C In on the Big Ben. Do
NOT use Loop Sync out!

Send a separate W/C Out of
the Big Ben to the W/C In on
each interface. Once again,
Do NOT use Loop Sync!


