Table of Contents
© 2014 Apeks
Slide the cylinder bands over the cylinder so that the BC
is at the desired position in relation to the cylinder valve.
Make sure the cylinder valve air outlet is facing the back
of the BC. Secure the upper cylinder band first to check
for proper cylinder placement.
While holding the cylinder secure, pull the free end of
the upper cylinder band webbing until there is a very
tight fit between the plate and the cylinder.
Close the buckle halfway to hold the cylinder band taut,
and thread the free end of the band through the open
slot in the end of the buckle.
The cylinder band will initially stretch as it becomes wet. Always wet the band
before making the final adjustment; apply enough tension to ensure that the cylinder is
completely secure. Test this connection before every dive. If the cylinder slips free from
the BC during the dive, you may loose your air supply, which could lead to serious injury
or death.
Universal cylinder bands adjust for all standard cylinder diameters.
Securing the Universal Cylinder Band