Table of Contents
© 2014 Apeks
Bring the cylinder band end around and exit through
the upper right oval grommet hole on the buoyancy
cell. Slide the traction sleeve
(included with the WTX
onto the open end of the cylinder band with
the ribbed side facing toward the cylinder.
Apeks recommends using traction sleeves with universal cylinder bands as added
security to keep the cylinder from slipping during the course of a dive.
Repeat the process for the lower cylinder band.
See the following section to finish attaching the WTX-D system to a cylinder:
• Universal Cylinder Band Setup
Use the following procedure for attaching the cylinder band to the harness:
• If using a WTX-D single cylinder buoyancy cell, insert the band through the
center web
on the WTX harness.
• If using a WTX-D twin cylinder buoyancy cell, insert the band through all
three web loops
on the WTX harness.
WTX-D Single Cylinder Buoyancy
Cell to Harness Band Configuration
WTX-D Twin Cylinder Buoyancy
Cell to Harness Band Configuration