7032 SOUTH 196th - KENT, WA 98032 - (253) 872-0141 / FAX (253) 872-8710
Figure 1-F. Clamp Attachment Hole Configuration.
I-3C. The sprocket drive
The sprocket drive transfers torque to the mandrel. Each sprocket is double sided and has a hub in
the center. The sprocket has an internal female spline that matches the output shaft of the poclain
hydraulic motor. The sprocket slides onto the shaft and is secured by a holding plate. The holding plate
is held into postion by to bolts that screw into the motor shaft. The mandrel has male sprocket pins (called
washers) welded on both sides.
Page 1-6
1 1/2-6 UNC
x 2" DEEP.
(27 PLCS.)
Double sided drive sprocket
Wick drain mandrel
sprocket washers
Internal splines