Step 5:
Fig - 5
Fig - 6
Insert the Strip inserting tool in to the marked hole till the strip
goes atleast more than half of its folded length (Ref fig - 5).
Step 6
After inserting the strip, gently pull out the strip inserting tool,
holding the strip in the tyre
itself (Ref fig - 6)
Step 7:
Fig - 7
Fig - 8
Take out the tool completely and then cut the remaining strip
leaving 5 mm from the surface
f the tyre. (Ref fig - 7& 8).
ation and check for any leakage
Step 8 :
Fill the air to the spe i
by pouring some drops of water and observing for water
If leakage persists, then the selaing is not proper. Remove the
Strip and with the fre h trip
once again repeat the above
Note :
The Kit will have multiple rubber strips as it can be used for more occurance of the puncture. Once the kit is bought, only the strips alone
need to be replenished subsequently. The Strips are also available separat ly without the r amer and Inserting tool.
To remove the tyre from the wheel rim, first remove the wheel assembly. Aft r r moving the wheel assembly from the vehicle, deflate the
tyre. Then careful removal of tubeless tyre is necessary using a tyre demounting machine to remove the tyre from the wheel rim. Re-
assembly of the tyre also must be done in similar way using the tyre de-mounting machine. In general most of four wheeler servicing
shops are having this facility. Customers need to be explained / gu ded dur ng the installation process at the time of vehicle delivery on
They actually need not remove the tyre from the rim for repa r ng a puncture.
Use of any levers as being used for removing normal tyre n the puncture shop in general may cause severe
damage to the tyre seating area
/ rim and will result in improper sealing and loss of air, which can only be corrected
by either replacing the tyre or rim or both as the need arise. While re-assembling the tyre, it is recommended to
apply little amount of soap solution over the rim at the tyre seating area for ease of assembly.
Valve in a tubeless tyre can be replaced and the procedure for
servicing the valve incase of any damage or leakage is given
Remove the wheel assembly from the vehicle.
Remove the tyre from wheel assembly as
explained above
Step 1
Step 2
Step :1
Cut the valve tubless tyre just near to the rim using a knife
Step 2
Push out the bottom portion of valve from the rim using a
suitable tool.