Control system description
Lamp power supply & connection of signal cable
Connection and control of the lamp power source
The product uses 1.5 SQMM copper core cables to be the input line for
power supply. When connecting the power line, the maximum of
connecting lamps is 12 under voltage 220V; and the maximum of
connecting lamps is 6 under voltage 110V.
When using the DMX console, the length of wire between console and
the lamp, and the length of wire between the lamps should not be
longer than 60 meters. There must be signal amplifier when the length
of wire is longer than 60 meters.
Connection of the lamp signal cable
This LED lamp receive digital signal in DMX512 (1900) format. It can work
in either the master or slaver mode under EDIT and self
propelled mode.
The master
slave mode also connects by DMX line. Using the cylindrical
3 core XLP cable provided by the manufacturer, connect the XLR
control line from the DMX controller output port to the DMX input port
of 1st lamp, then from the DMX output port of 1st lamp to the DMX
input port of 2nd lamp, etc. Until all the lamps are connected in a chain.
Finally insert the loop into the DMX input port of last lamp for complete
the connection.