ATSC 1KW TX Quick Start Guide
ACT-1000-QSG-DOC-V1.6, 9/12/2014
Page 17 of 23
It takes about 5 seconds for the Controller to power up and display the
HOME screen (shown below). Please note that the values will be different
as the TX initially turns ON at a reduced power level.
The Controller HOME touchscreen display will indicate System Forward
(FWD), Reflected (REFL), and Reject Load (REJT) output power in Watts
in real time.
Check Exciter settings. Check the operating Frequency of the Exciter by
navigating to the Exciter FREQ submenu (simultaneously press Left and
Right buttons)
Check the Exciter drive level is set to -25dBm by navigating to the Exciter
RF submenu (from above, press ESC button then enter the RF submenu).
TX On/Off
(Green = ON,
Red = OFF)