Product Information
ADU 5 – Dry Point Sensor
6. Insert the sensor assembly fully into the empty distillation flask. Note that the Pt100 sample temperature
sensor is turned to the rear, so that it is positioned directly in front of the side arm opening (see figure 1
7. Position the dry point sensor in the center of the flask bottom. Make sure that the sensor rests on the bottom
of the flask!
The tip of the dry point sensor must be suspended on the bottom of the flask and give slightly. If this is not
the case, try to bend the tip a little bit and very carefully.
8. Adjust the height of the Pt100 so that the top of the very fine spiral wire at the end of the Pt100 should be
exactly aligned with the mark on the distillation flask (for the correct position refer to the ADU 5 instruction
9. Take out the dry point sensor assembly from the distillation flask and store it in the test glass at the top of the
ADU 5.
10. Connect the dry point sensor plug and the Pt100 sample temperature sensor plug at the rear of the ADU 5.
Fig. 3 - Correct position of Pt100 and dry point sensor
Fig. 4 - Location of Pt100 and dry point sensor connector at the rear
of the ADU 5
Follow the instructions in your ADU 5 Instruction Manual for the activation of the dry point sensor and the
preparation and execution of the distillation.
Do not add boiling stones when using the dry point sensor kit.
Contact us at
Anton Paar ProveTec GmbH
Dry point
connector | Created by Pütz, Dunja on 3 May 2017 | H15IE009EN-A_ProdInfo_ADU5_DryPointSensor.docx
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