Antik ATK-VoIP 32-1 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 48

ANTIK IP telephone


User manual




Using of Icons in Text

For  better  orientation  in  text  are  all  buttons  of  telephone  marked  with  number 

according to image of telephone description. You can find exact name of button 

in parentheses with a graphic icon, which is based on shape and function of the 

button (e.g.   

18 (Cursor) = icon with number (Name of button)

). In text are 

used these icons:

 - numeric  keyboard of telephone – buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, 0, #,

 - round shaped buttons on telephone,

 - four-way round button, which moves to left, right, up, down - Cursor,

 - button on the left up by the four-way button - VOIP server IP,

 - button on the right up by the four-way button - Router IP,

 - button on the left down by the four-way button - Subnet mask,

 - button on the right down by the four-way button - Local IP/Phone code,

 - volume UP - Vol  /+,

 - volume DOWN - Vol / -,

 - LED diode signalization - Stat 1, Stat 2.

Display Label

Display of the Telephone

Number of lines: 2.

Number of characters: 16/line.

Color of screen’s light: green (buttons light are with the same color).

Color of characters: black.

Display in Standby Mode

In standby mode display shows:

1. line - name of telephone ATK-VoIP.

2. line - current time (HH:MM), space, date (DD.M), space, year (YYYY) or part of 

Содержание ATK-VoIP 32-1


Страница 2: ...Kon gur cia telef nu 14 4 1 Kon gur cia pomocou kl vesnice telef nu 14 4 1 1 Nastavenie IP adresy telef nu 14 4 1 2 Nastavenie masky siete telef nu 15 4 1 3 Nastavenie IP adresy routra 15 4 1 4 Nastav...

Страница 3: ...ho prehliada a 32 4 2 1 Z kladn nastavenia pomocou internetov ho prehliada a 32 4 2 2 Roz ren nastavenia pomocou internetov ho prehliada a 33 4 2 3 V mena riadenia rmware pomocou internetov ho prehli...

Страница 4: ...ruhov ho tvaru na telef nnom pr stroji tvorsmern kruhov tla idlo umo uj ce pohyb doprava do ava hore a dole Kurzor tla idlo umiestnen v avo hore od tvorsmern ho tla idla VOIP server IP tla idlo umiest...

Страница 5: ...V pohotovostnom re ime bez sign lu sa na displeji zobrazuje 1 riadok Odpojene z VOIPs 2 riadok pr zdny riadok alebo aktu lny as hodiny min ty medzera d tum de mesiac medzera rok 2007 alebo as slovn ho...

Страница 6: ...vzd te na miestach na to ur en ch sa motn spracovate garantuje jeho zhodnotenie materi lov alebo in m aj Vy prispievate k op tovn mu pou itiu jednotliv ch s ast elektronick ho zariadenia a k ich recyk...

Страница 7: ...alebo jeho nefunk nosti 5 Na istenie pr stroja nepou vajte agres vne chemik lie istiace prostriedky ob sahuj ce chemik lie ani siln sapon ty 6 Pr stroj nefarbite farba m e zanies pohybliv asti pr str...

Страница 8: ...Signaliz cia LED di dou 1 signaliz cia presmerova nia konzulta n hovor 1 2 LED Stat 2 Signaliz cia LED di dou 2 signaliz cia DO not disturb konzulta n hovor 2 3 DO not disturb Neru i Prep nanie medzi...

Страница 9: ...Missed 1 Zoznam posledn ch neprijat ch hovorov 2 Uskuto nenie r chlej vo by 13 Redial Answered 1 Uskuto n vo bu naposledy volan ho sla 2 Zoznam posledn ch prijat ch hovorov 14 LED In Use Kontrolka pre...

Страница 10: ...5 LAN 2 Konektor RJ45 pre pripojenie LAN 1 2 Tabu ka znakov numerickej kl vesnice Pri zad van viacer ch hodn t pre nastavenie telef nu potrebujeme nielen seln znaky ale aj p smen Pre zad vanie p smen...

Страница 11: ...te sk pr ru ka SLOVENSKY 7 P Q R S 7 8 T U V 8 9 W X Y Z 9 0 Medzera 0 Ak potrebujeme zada p smen malej abecedy tak pri p san stla me tla idlo 3 DO not disturb M d p sania mal mi p smenami signalizuje...

Страница 12: ...12 Pou vate sk pr ru ka SLOVENSKY 2 Obsah balenia 1 Telef nny pr stroj 2 Sl chadlo mikrotelef n 3 K bel ku sl chadlu to en n ra 4 Sie ov adapt r 5 Prepojovac k bel PC Telef n RJ45 crossover 6 Pou vat...

Страница 13: ...pripojte prilo en nap jac adap t r do konektora POWER a zasu te adapt r do elektrickej z suvky 3 Pripojenie k sieti LAN jeden koniec ethernet k bla zapojte do konektora LAN na zadnej strane pr stroja...

Страница 14: ...Nastavenie IP adresy telef nu Stla te tla idlo 17 Local IP na kl vesnici telef nu Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz ADRESA kod 172 16 10 92 Zadajte k d 1234 Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz Nova ADRESA Zad...

Страница 15: ...elef nu sa zobraz Nova MASKA Zadajte nov masku siete pomocou numerickej kl vesnice telef nu v tvare 255 255 0 0 Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz MASKA ZMENENA 255 255 0 0 T mto je maska siete zmenen z p...

Страница 16: ...e v tvare mena napr voip antik sk zad me t to adresu pomocou numerickej kl vesnice telef nu kde postup pri p san p smen a siel je op san v podkapitole 1 2 Tabu ka znakov numerickej kl vesnice 4 1 4 Na...

Страница 17: ...pitole 1 2 Tabu ka znakov numerickej kl vesnice 4 1 5 Nastavenie DHCP Stla te tla idlo 17 Local IP Phone code na kl vesnici telef nu Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz DHCP kod Zadajte pr stupov k d 1234...

Страница 18: ...tla idla 8 Back Ak m te zadan meno pomocou tla idla 4 Options sa prepnite do menu zadania prihlasovacieho hesla na VOIP server Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz Zmena SIP_hesla Zadajte prihlasovacie hes...

Страница 19: ...a pri volan na telef ne volan ho Meno zadajte pomocou numerickej kl vesnice telef nu kde postup pri p sa n p smen a siel je op san v podkapitole 1 2 Tabu ka znakov numerickej kl vesnice V texte mena j...

Страница 20: ...spleji telef nu sa zobraz Zapis VLAN 802 1Q vid 1200 Restart Po re tartovan telef nu sa aktivuj nov nastavenia V pr pade nespr vne zadanej hodnoty sa zobraz chybov hl senie Zle zadany VLAN Ak chcete d...

Страница 21: ...ena pou vate a nastavenie mena a hesla SIP nastavenie VLAN a al ie Ochrann heslo je od v robcu nastaven na hodnotu 1234 Pr klad zmena hesla z hodnoty 1234 na 5678 stla te tla idlo 17 Local IP Phone co...

Страница 22: ...i telef nu a dr te dokia sa na displeji neobjav Zrusenie pr prav na web kod Zadajte k d 1234 po zadan k du sa vyma pr stupov daje do prehliada a telef nu a na displeji telef nu sa zobraz Zrusenie pr p...

Страница 23: ...esa DNS 1 zmenen z p vodnej 172 16 10 254 na nov 172 16 10 253 4 1 12 DNS 2 Nastavenie IP adresy dom nov ho servra slo 2 Stla te tla idlo 19 Subnet mask na kl vesnici telef nu a podr te ho pokia sa na...

Страница 24: ...telef nu a podr te ho pokia sa na displeji nezobraz SIPport kod 5060 Zadajte k d 1234 Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz ADRESA ZMENENA Novy SIP port Zadajte nov port pomocou numerickej kl vesnice telef n...

Страница 25: ...eno ulo te pomocou tla idla 6 Store 4 1 15 Preklad adries NAT Nastavenie IP prekladanej adresy je situ cia kde je pred tel f nom pripojen router s externou IP adresou a telef n m IP adresu intern Stla...

Страница 26: ...ef nu Na displeji telef nu sa zobraz Nastavenia Zvon Zvuk 1 Uroven 10 V tomto menu sa nastavuje typ vyzv acej mel die a rove hlasitosti zvone nia Pomocou tla idiel 1 a 4 na numerickej kl vesnici telef...

Страница 27: ...sla ktor sme si zap sali Tla idlami 5 Vol a 7 Vol sa prep name medzi tla idlami r chlej vo by a k nim priraden mi slami Pr klad chceme si nastavi slo 12345 na r chlu vo bu tla idlo 7 stla te tla idlo...

Страница 28: ...erver Prep na hodnotu zak zan alebo povolen m ete pomocou tla idiel 5 Vol a 7 Vol Pre presunutie sa do al ieho menu stla te tla idlo 18 Kurzor smer dole 4 1 16 5 Nastavenie toku po iato n ho kodeku Na...

Страница 29: ...von v bec a hovor priamo presmeruje Presmerovanie Pocet zvoneni 4 al m stla en m tla idla 18 Kurzor smer dole sa dostanete do najvy ieho menu Options i e do nastavenia zvonenia Menu Options m ete opus...

Страница 30: ...a en m tla idla 4 Options alebo po kajte 10 sek nd a telef n sa prepne do z kladn ho re imu s m 4 1 16 11 Nastavenie jazyka telef nu Stla te tla idlo 4 Options na kl vesnici telef nu Stla te tla idlo...

Страница 31: ...e novan na serveri VOIP a s zdie an pre v etky telef nne pr stroje v sieti slu ba mus byt podporovan serverom Telef nny zoznam si m ete prezera pomocou tla idiel 18 Kurzor smer hore a dole Zoznam sel...

Страница 32: ...z na GTM 1 SIP nastavenia SIP Meno SIP Heslo Meno pou vate a SIP Server voip antik sk SIP port 5060 SIP dom na Miestne slo SIP prekladan vonkaj ia adresa Outbound SIP Server Nastavenie pr v pre prehl...

Страница 33: ...vuku Zvukov prij mac z sobn k 60 ms Prev dzkovate om podporovan CLIR zak zan Ulo ZOZNAM HIST RIA V mena riadenia Vybra V roz renom nastaven telef nu s obsiahnut v etky nastavenia obsiahnut v odseku 4...

Страница 34: ...oja 4 2 4 Telef nny zoznam pomocou internetov ho prehliada a Po stla en tla idla Zoznam sa dostaneme k str nke telef nneho zoznamu SP na KONFIGUR CIU Priama vo ba Vyto Zlo Pridanie do zoznamu Meno slo...

Страница 35: ...m Meno slo Mo nos 1 06 35 23 8 August n 0900111000 Vyto Zlo 2 11 07 23 8 Samuel 0550000000 Vyto Zlo 3 19 25 24 8 Kamila 0900222000 Vyto Zlo Hist ria prijat ch hovorov Poradie as a d tum Meno slo 1 14...

Страница 36: ...o s asom volania a poz cia v hist rii volan Pomocou tvorsmern ho tla idla 18 Kurzor smer doprava a do ava m eme prech dza hist riou volan ch sel zoraden ch v asovom slede Augustin 06 35 23 8 p1 Ke sa...

Страница 37: ...n ho tla idla 18 Kurzor smer doprava a do a va m ete prech dza hist riou neprijat ch volan zoraden ch v asovom sle de Kamila 21 16 24 8 p1 Ke sa dostanete na slo ktor mu chcete sp tne zavola tak stla...

Страница 38: ...prv zobraz posledn prijat slo s asom volania a poz ciou v hist rii Pomocou tvorsmern ho tla idla 18 Kurzor smer doprava a do ava m ete prech dza hist riou prijat ch volan zoraden ch v asovom slede Sam...

Страница 39: ...6 2 Prijatie hovoru Prich dzaj ci hovor je signalizovan predvolen m zvonen m a blikan m podsvie tenia numerickej kl vesnice Hovor m eme prija zdvihnut m sl chadla telef nu alebo stla en m tla idla 15...

Страница 40: ...vyru ova deaktivujeme op tovn m stla en m tla idla 3 DO not Disturb Vsetky hovory prichodzie pov 6 6 Presmerovanie hovorov Funkcia umo uje presmerova hovory na in telef nne slo Na numerickej kl vesnic...

Страница 41: ...ovoru navo te na numerickej kl vesnici slo ast n ka napr 123 a stla te tla idlo 11 Call Prebiehaj ci hovor sa podr a nast va spojenie s astn kom 123 Podr an hovor je signalizovan indik torom 1 LED Sta...

Страница 42: ...mesiacov Nap jac adapt r sl chadlo a sl chadlov k bel s tandardne dod van pr slu enstvo k telef nu Z ru n doba za na plyn d om prevzatia telef nu a pr slu enstva kupuj cim D tum mus by vyzna en na z...

Страница 43: ...d van ch v obchode v eobecne predpokladaj Z ru ka sa nevz ahuje na be n opotrebovanie v robku vzniknut v d sledku jeho pou vania 7 Ak ide o chybu ktor mo no odstr ni m kupuj ci pr vo aby bola bezplatn...

Страница 44: ...onan z ru n ch opr v Referen n slo opravy D tum pr jmu D tum opravy Nov v robn slo Pe iatka a podpis servisu Referen n slo opravy D tum pr jmu D tum opravy Nov v robn slo Pe iatka a podpis servisu Ref...


Страница 46: ...ation 58 4 1 Con guration by Using a Telephone Keypad 58 4 1 1 Setting the Telephone IP Address 58 4 1 2 Setting the Subnet Mask 59 4 1 3 Setting the Router IP Address 59 4 1 4 Setting the IP Address...

Страница 47: ...ion Through Internet Browser 76 4 2 1 Basic Settings Through Internet Browser 76 4 2 2 Extended Settings Through Internet Browser 77 4 2 3 Change of Control Firmware Through Internet Browser 77 4 2 4...

Страница 48: ...utton which moves to left right up down Cursor button on the left up by the four way button VOIP server IP button on the right up by the four way button Router IP button on the left down by the four w...

Страница 49: ...VoIP 14 41 30 8 Thu In standby mode without signal display shows 1 line Disconnected 2 line blank line Disconnected Display Facilities for Writing Every line of screen can display maximum 16 characte...

Страница 50: ...ts negative impact on environment and also people s health may occur However if you deliver old electronic equipment to places determined for it the processer himself guarantees its utilization materi...

Страница 51: ...apparatus do not use aggressive chemicals detergents contain ing chemicals or strong detergents 6 Do not paint the apparatus the paint may clog moving parts of the apparatus and disable its proper fun...

Страница 52: ...Button Description function 1 LED Stat 1 LED indication 1 2 LED Stat 2 LED indication 2 3 DO not disturb 1 DnD 2 Switching Consultative Call 4 Options Telephone settings 5 Vol Increasing sound volume...

Страница 53: ...Speed dial 13 Redial Answered 1 Performs selection of last dialled number 2 Last answered calls 14 LED In Use Indicator light for handsfree mode indication 15 Handsfree Enables loud speaker listening...

Страница 54: ...N 2 RJ45 Connector for LAN connection 1 2 Table of Signs on Numeric Keypad In entering more values for telephone setting we need not only numeric signs but also letters Telephone numeric keypad serves...

Страница 55: ...User manual ENGLISH 8 T U V 8 9 W X Y Z 9 0 Space 0 If you need to enter lower case letters press the button 3 while writing DO not disturb Mode of writing lower case letters is indicated by indicator...

Страница 56: ...elephone 56 User manual ENGLISH 2 Package Contents 1 Telephone apparatus 2 Handset earphone 3 Cable to handset twisted cable 4 Power adapter 5 Cable crossover RJ45 PC PHONE data connection cable 6 Use...

Страница 57: ...pplied power supply adapter to the POWER connector and insert the adapter to the socket 3 Connecting to LAN Connect one end of the ethernet cable to LAN connector on the rear side of the apparatus and...

Страница 58: IP Address Press the button 17 Local IP on the telephone keypad The telephone display shows Assigned IP_adrs 172 16 10 92 Enter the code 1234 The telephone display shows New IP_adrs Enter a new...

Страница 59: ...New MASK Enter a new subnet mask by using the numeric telephone keypad in the pattern 255 255 0 0 The telephone display shows Changed MASK 255 255 0 0 Thus the subnet mask has been changed from origi...

Страница 60: ...ress has been changed from original 172 16 10 254 to 172 16 10 253 4 1 4 Setting the IP Address of VOIP Server Press the button 20 VOIP server IP on the telephone keypad The telephone display shows VO...

Страница 61: ...d and hold it until the display shows DHCP key DHCP disable For DHCP mode modes are switched off and on where in case of the OFF mode you can enter the IP address mask and the router IP address manual...

Страница 62: ...e telephone display shows Change SIP pasw Enter a user name to VOIP server Enter the name by using the numeric telephone keypad enter the name is described in the Chapter 1 2 Table of Signs on Numeric...

Страница 63: ...the Chapter 1 2 Table of Signs on Numeric Keypad It is possible to move in the text of the name by using the button 18 Cursor to left and right and delete signs by using the button 8 Back When you ha...

Страница 64: ...message is displayed Bad entered VLAN If you want to deactivate the VLAN setting enter the value 0 as the VLAN id and con rm it with the button on the numeric telephone keypad After restarting the te...

Страница 65: ...from 1234 to 5678 press the button 17 Local IP Phone code on the telephone keypad and hold it until the display shows NEW_KEY key Write two equal enter the code 1234 the telephone display shows New K...

Страница 66: ...cess data for the telephone browser will be deleted and the telephone displey shows Delete log psw 4 1 11 DNS 1 Setting the IP address of the domain server 1 Press the button 19 Subnet mask on the tel...

Страница 67: ...n the telephone keypad and hold it until the display shows DNS2 key 172 16 10 254 Enter the code 1234 The telephone display shows New DNS2 Enter a new IP address of DNS 2 by using the numeric telephon...

Страница 68: New SIP port Enter a new port by using the numeric telephone keypad in the pattern 5061 The telephone display shows SIP port changed 5061 Thus the SIP port has been changed from original 5060 to 50...

Страница 69: connected rst then the telephone and the telephone has an internal IP address Press the button 20 VOIP server IP on the telephone keypad and hold it until the display shows NAT_adr key Empty Enter...

Страница 70: ...the numeric telephone keypad you can select the type of a ringing melody On the display the value is indicated as sound 1 to 4 Using the buttons 5 Vol and 7 Vol you can adjust the ringing volume level...

Страница 71: ...Example you want to set the number 12345 to the speed dial button 7 press the button 4 Options press the button 18 Cursor twice downwards Set speed dial 0 Empty keep pressing the button 5 Vol until yo...

Страница 72: ...g the buttons 5 Vol and 7 Vol To move to another menu press the button 18 Cursor downwards 4 1 16 5 Setting the Flow Initial Codec Seting low audio codec G726 32kb Menu for setting the initial sound c...

Страница 73: ...the call will be forwarded directly Redirect call Ring count 4 Another pressing the button 18 Cursor downwards gets you to the highest menu Options i e to setting the ringing You may leave the Option...

Страница 74: ...4 Options or wait for 10 seconds and the telephone will be switched to the basic mode 4 1 16 11 Setting the Language of the Telephone Press the button 4 Options on the telephone keypad Press the butto...

Страница 75: all telephone apparatuses in the net the service must be supported by the server The telephone book can be viewed by using the button 18 Cursor upwards and downwards The list of numbers is arranged...

Страница 76: ...ssword User name SIP Server voip antik sk SIP port 5060 SIP domein Local number SIP NAT address Outbound SIP Server Con guration browser name password and phone security key Browser name Browser passw...

Страница 77: ...Phone book Dial history Change rmware Click on In extended setting of the telephone all settings are included in the Chapter 4 1 16 as well as Redirect to and Busy modes You will save the parameters...

Страница 78: ...Book Through Internet Browser After pressing the button Phone book you will reach the page of the phone book Back to con guration Direct call Call Hang up Add to phone book Name Number Add Local phon...

Страница 79: ...Hang up 2 11 07 23 8 Samuel 0550000000 Call Hang up 3 19 25 24 8 Kamila 0900222000 Call Hang up Answered history Nr Time Date Name Number Option 1 14 30 22 8 Samuel 0550000000 Call Hang up 2 23 01 24...

Страница 80: ...s and the number of calls made Dialed numbers Count 3 After a while last dialled number with the time of call and its position in the call history will be displayed Using the four direction button 18...

Страница 81: will get to Missed Calls Menu The display shows the menu name Missed Calls and the number of missed calls Missed calls Count 1 After a while rst the last missed call with the time of call and its...

Страница 82: ...Menu The display shows the menu name Received Calls and the number of received calls Answered calls Count 2 After a while rst the last received call with the time of call and its position in the call...

Страница 83: ...oud speaker listening 6 2 Answering a Call An incoming call is indicated by pre set ringing and ashing backlight of the numeric keypad You may answer the call by picking up the telephone receiver or p...

Страница 84: ...vate the Do Not Disturb Mode by re pressing the button 3 DO not disturb All incom calls enable 6 6 Call Forwarding The function enables forwarding calls to other telephone number On the numeric keypad...

Страница 85: ...number e g 123 and press the button 11 Call The on going call is held and connection with the participant 123 is being carried out The held call is indicated by LED Stat 1 indicator It is possible to...

Страница 86: ...e are supplied as standard accessories to the telephone The period of guarantee starts on the date of taking over the telephone and its accessories by the purchaser The date must be indicated in the G...

Страница 87: ...antee does not relate to common wear and tear of the product due to using it 7 If it is a defect which can be removed the purchaser has the right to have it removed for free The purchaser may instead...

Страница 88: ...Date of receiving Date of the servis New serial number Stamp and signature of the servis Reference number Date of receiving Date of the servis New serial number Stamp and signature of the servis Refer...

Страница 89: ...2008 ANTIK computers communications s r o R zusova 1 040 01 Ko ice...
