Antaira Industrial Ethernet Switches
LMP-0601G-SFP Series User Manual V1.1
Step 4:
Press the “Apply” button in the lower right corner (Figure 5.23).
Ethernet Ring Protection Switch (ERPS) is an Ethernet ring protection protocol which is used
to prevent forming the loop in LAN, thus, the Broadcast Storm problem could be avoided. The
loop avoidance mechanism ensures the traffic flows on all but the RPL ring link. In order to
achieve the loop-avoidance mechanism, ITU-T G.8032 defines three roles in ERPS, which
are “RPL Owner Node”, “RPL Neighbor Node”, and “Normal Node”.
Below are two scenarios describing how to configure the ERPS in Antaira industrial managed
Ethernet switches. Users can reference it to configure the managed switch as RPL-configured
architecture as Figure 5.24 or Non-configure architecture as Figure 5.25.
Figure 5.23 – RSTP/CIST Configuration Interface