6. Fill measuring cup with 185 ml of
waffle batter and pour it into top of
the funnel.
7. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until
golden brown, if you like your waffles
crispier add more time.
Tip: Serve with fresh vanilla whip
UK and EU Guarantee
Your new Andrew James product
comes with a 24 month guarantee
and a 2 year fixed warranty, effec-
tive from receipt confirmation. Your
receipt or order number is required
as proof of purchase date so it is
imperative that you keep it safe.
This guarantee only applies if the
item has been used solely for the
use intended, and all instructions
have been followed accordingly.
Please note this product is for do-
mestic use only and is not for com-
mercial use.
Abuse of your product will invali-
date the guarantee. Returned goods
can only be accepted if repackaged
properly within the original colour
product box, and presented with
the original receipt of sale/order
number. This does not affect your
statutory rights.
Returned products must be cleaned
and returned to us in as close to
delivery condition as possible.
If your product develops a problem
within the first 12 months of the
fixed warranty, we will pay all ship-
ping costs to have it returned to us.
After 12 months the customer will
be liable for the cost of returning
the product to us. We will then pay
to have the repaired/replaced item
shipped back to the customer.
If you wish to return your item for a
full refund, you have the right to do
so within the first 7 days.
For our returns policy please go to
Customers are responsible for any
taxes applied to our products when
they are shipped outside of the EU.
All of our prices are inclusive of
Once a product has been returned
to us, we will aim to repair or re-
place it within 30 days of receipt.
Note: The guarantee does not cov-
er any defect arising from improper
use, mechanical damage, water in-
gress or repair attempts made by
third-parties. Also, the guarantee
does not cover normal wear and
tear of individual parts.
Disposal of the appliance
Waste Electrical & Electronic Equip-
ment (WEEE) Waste & Recycling