DN:KD-5985-SMSY01 V3.0 Operation Guide
Template version:1
When the monitor is working in Clock mode, you can press the A+ or B- button to change the
memory bank. The monitor has there bank: user 1 user 2 and guest. There are especial
symbol stand for user 1 and use 2. If you select guest bank the especial symbols will
disappear and the measurement result
doesn’t be stored.
a. After applying the cuff and your body is in a
comfortable position, press the
button. A beep is heard and all display
characters are shown for self-test. You can
check the LCD display according to the right
picture. Please contact the service center if segment is missing.
b. After 1 second, the most recent result will be displayed with date and time. And LCD
will show 0 with current date and time if no memory stored in the selected bank.
c. If the voice function is switched on, the monitor will speak out measurement tips.
d. Then the monitor inflates the cuff until sufficient pressure has built up for a
measurement. Then the monitor slowly
releases air from the cuff and carries out the
measurement. Finally the blood pressure
and pulse rate will be calculated and
displayed on the LCD screen. The blood
pressure classification indicator and Irregular heartbeat symbol (if any) will blink on the
screen. If the voice function is on, it will announce the measurement result. The result
will be automatically stored in the current memory bank.
e. After measurement, the monitor will turn off automatically after 1 minute of no
operation. Alternatively, you can press the
―START‖ button to turn off the monitor
f. During measurement, you can press the
―START‖ button to turn off the monitor
Please consult a health care professional for interpretation of pressure