Preliminary - Information Subject to Change - 9/24/98
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EZ-USB Development Kit Software
development. Because of this, two versions of the Keil system are
included on the CD. Both versions operate in the same way, and
differ only by code size and code location limitations.
You may need to restart your PC after installing the Keil software.
For information on how to operate the Keil development
environment, refer to the help files in the Keil “BIN” directory.
Double-click on “contents.hlp” for a beginning page of topic links.
“Keil 8051 2K Development tools” loads the Keil firmware
development system onto your PC. This version can compile and
locate up to 2 kilobytes of code, which can be located anywhere in
the 8051 64K memory. This means that 2 kilobytes of code can be
located either in the internal 8 kilobyte EZ-USB RAM, or in the
external 64 kilobyte RAM on the development board.
“Keil 8051 4K Development tools” loads another version of the
Keil firmware development system onto your PC. This version can
compile and locate up to 4K of code, but the code must be located
above 0x4000 in the program memory space of the 8051, which
means it must reside external to the EZ-USB on-chip RAM.