Sub MkIIP Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide Monitor
User Manual - US Navy Version
Document Ref
: AS2-802-14 -
January 2016
Page 15
Data logging retrieval of data
1. Start up the Data logging program by clicking on the shortcut on your desktop.
Click on the ‘Communicate with Instrument’ button. This will automatically take you to
the Instrument Status page.
3. The Memory Status will show the Status of the instrument at the present moment in
time. If you wish to refresh this status simply click the ‘Refresh Status’ button.
4. Press
the ‘Suspend Logging’ button if you wish to stop the SUB MkIIP storing data
temporarily. The SUB MkIIP will automatically resume the next time it is switched on,
or when the Restart Logging ‘button’ is pressed.
Press the ‘Gather and Save Data’ button to transfer data from the SUB MkIIP to the
PC. Note this will automatically Suspend logging if you have not already done so.
6. Please wait while the instrument transfers data to the PC. An estimate is provided of
the time required for the data transfer to complete. If no problems occur in the
transfer process, a screen will appear inviting you to save the log file.
7. In the Save as type box, select the type of file that you wish to save. Let us assume
that we are trying to create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Therefore select an Excel
compatible .csv file. (CSV stands for a Comma Separated Variable file, and is a
format that most spreadsheet programs will recognize).
8. Now select the folder and enter the filename that you wish to use for the file. The
program will remember the filenames that you have used previously. Initially the
default will be c:\My Documents\0Analox00. If you choose to retain this format, the
program will automatically suggest the next number 0Analox01, 0Analox02 etc for
future files. The 0 at the start is meant to signify which instrument you are
transferring data from if using multiple instruments.
9. You will then be asked if you want to delete the data already in the instrument.
Answer Yes or No as appropriate. Answering ‘Yes’ will avoid retrieving the same
data again at a future date. You will then be asked when you want logging to
commence, click ‘Start Immediately’ or ‘Start at next Power-Up’ as appropriate.
You may choose not to discard the data until you have inspected the data for
correctness and click No. This will leave the data shown in the Memory Status. You
can then use the ‘Discard the Data From the Instrument’ button to delete the data at
your own discretion. You will need to reactivate the logging by clicking the
logging’ button
10. If you are retrieving data from a number of instruments, connect the PC to the next
instrument and press the ‘New Instrument’ button. Retrieve the data as explained in
steps 5 to 9.