Rev 03 Jan 2013 19:42 | Page 2
Quick Start Guide
For first-time installations
If you've never used ANY of Analog Devices' Inertial Sensor
Evaluation Kits before*, start here!
*This includes any of
Begin by installing the drivers.
to download the driver installer. Extract the entire contents of the folder
and run the file ADI_ISEB_USB_Drivers.exe.
Follow the installer instructions to install the drivers.
Next, install the GUI.
Download and run the ADI-provided LabView environment and GUI installer, also
Follow the installer instructions.
For returning users
Prior to starting the GUI, plug in the system:
Connect the motherboard to the satellite board via the ribbon cable.
Then, connect the motherboard to the computer via the USB cable.
The ADI installer places a shortcut to the GUI in the Start menu under
All Programs
Devices - Inertial Sensor Eval
, as shown below. Click on this shortcut to start the evaluation
system GUI.
The GUI starts up grayed out with all functions disabled. Before testing any devices, you must
associate the software GUI with the installed hardware by selecting the appropriate COM port from