ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual
1.5 Manual
This manual contains the following information:
Chapter 1 — Introduction
Provides manual information and Analog Devices contact information.
Chapter 2 — Getting Started
Provides software and hardware installation procedures, PC system
requirements, and basic board information.
Chapter 3 — Using the ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite
Provides information on the EZ-KIT Lite from a software perspective, and
provides an easy-to-access memory map.
Chapter 4 — Working With ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite Hardware
Provides information on the hardware aspects of the evaluation system.
Appendix A — Schematics
Provides the resources to allow ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite board-level
debugging or to use as a reference.
1.6 Online
Your software installation kit includes online Help as part of the Windows interface. These help
files provide information about Vi+ and the ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite evaluation
To view Help on Vi+, click on the
menu item or go to the Windows task bar and
select Start\Programs\VisualDSP\Vi+ Help.
To view Help on additional ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite features, go to the Windows task bar and
select Start\Programs\VisualDSP\EZ-KIT Help.
The documents in the following two tables can be found through online help or in the Docs folder
of your Vi+ installation. For more documentation, please go to: