ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual
Table 1-1: Related DSP Documents
Document Name
ADSP-2199x DSP Data sheets
General functional description, pin-out, and
ADSP-2199x DSP Hardware
Reference Manual
Description of internal DSP architecture, mixed-
signal peripherals, and all register functions.
ADSP-219x DSP Instruction Set
Description of all allowed DSP assembly
Table 1-2: Related Vi+ Documents
Document Name
Vi+ Users Guide for
ADSP-21xx DSPs
Detailed description of Vi+
features and usage.
Vi+ Assembler and
Preprocessor Manual for ADSP-
219x DSPs
Description of the assembler function and
commands for ADSP-219x family DSPs.
Vi+ C/C++ Compiler and
Library Manual for ADSP-219x
Description of the compiler function and
commands for ADSP-219x family DSPs.
Vi+ Linker and Utilities
Manual for ADSP-21xx DSPs
Description of the linker function and
commands for the ADSP-219x family DSPs.
Vi+ Getting Started
Guide for ADSP-21xx DSPs
Step-by-step tutorial that highlights the
features of Vi+ for ADSP-21xx
Vi+ Kernel (VDK) User's
Description of the VDK function and
commands for ADSP-219x DSPs.
Vi+ Component Software
Engineering User's Guide
Description of the VCSE function and
commands for ADSP-219x DSPs.
Vi+ Product Bulletin for
ADSP-21xx DSPs
Description of the new features and
enhancements of Vi+.
If you plan to use the ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite board in conjunction with a JTAG emulator,
refer to the documentation that accompanies the emulator.