TX-SK+ SoftKey Transmitter
AXCESS Keywords (Cont.)
The OFF keyword turns off a channel or variable.
If the channel or variable is already off, its status will remain unchanged.
Here are two examples:
OFF [1,2] (* Turns off channel 2 of device 1 *)
OFF [TEMP] (* Sets the value of the variable
TEMP to 0 *)
The ON keyword turns on a channel or variable.
If the channel or variable is already on, its status will remain unchanged.
Here are two examples:
ON [1,2] (* Turns on channel 2 of device 1 *)
ON [TEMP] (* Sets the value of the variable
TEMP to 1 *)
A variable is considered ON if it contains a non-zero number; in this
case, the value is 1. If a variable contains the value Ø, it is considered
The PULSE keyword turns on a channel or variable for a certain amount
of time. Once the time elapses, the channel or variable is turned off.
As an example, refer back to the discussion on DEFINE_START, in the
Defining Start section. The PULSE keyword was used to activate a light-
ing preset, a drapes change, and a screen change. The duration of this
PULSE is one half-second, but it can be changed if necessary with the
SET_PULSE_TIME keyword. The PULSE time is measured in tenths of
seconds, and the Axcess default is one half-second. The PULSE time
remains the same value until it is changed in the program. For example:
This sets the current duration of future PULSEs to 1.2 seconds. It is
always a good practice to return pulse time to the default setting of .5
seconds, as shown in the following example:
The PUSH keyword is used to find out if a channel has had an input
change from off to on, such as when a button is pressed. If the channel
has been turned on, the corresponding PUSH statement is activated.
The operation(s) following this PUSH statement is executed once after
the channel is turned on.
PUSH statements must be followed by a device number and a particular
channel, and both are enclosed in brackets. Variables can be used in
their places, but this is done only in special circumstances. Following the
PUSH statement is the operation to be executed when the PUSH occurs.
If more than one event must happen, a compound statement must follow
the PUSH. For example:
(* Statement *)
Multiple PUSH statements can be specified to execute the same action.
For example:
(* Statement *)
PUSH_CHANNEL is the same as PUSH_DEVICE, except that the chan-
nel number that was most recently turned on is stored inside the vari-
: PUSH_CHANNEL and RELEASE_CHANNEL cannot both have a
non-zero value during the same pass through mainline. At least one of
them will always be zero.