Modero S Series Touch Panels - Configuration & Programming Manual
SIP Commands - Master to Panel (Cont.)
Get SIP privacy state command - Queries the state of the privacy feature. The panel responds with the
^PHN-PRIVACY, <state> message.
• Syntax:
• Example:
Get the current SIP privacy status.
SIP call redial command - Redials the last number.
• Syntax:
• Example:
Redial the last number.
SIP call transfer message - Transfers the call to the provided number.
• Syntax:
"'^PHN-TRANSFER,<connection id>,<number>'"
• Variables:
connection id: The identifying number of the connection
number: The number to which you want to transfer the call.
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^PHN-TRANSFER,1,2125551000'"
Transfer call with ID 1 to 2125551000.
Set SIP codec command - Set the codec type for the SIP connection. Valid types are ulaw (default) and
• Syntax:
• Variables:
codec: The codec to use. Valid values are ulaw (default) or alaw.
Set SIP domain name command - Set the domain name for the SIP server.
• Syntax:
"'^PHN-SETUP-DOMAIN,<domain name>'"
• Variables:
domain name: The domain name to use for the sip connection.
• Example
Set the SIP domain to sip.domain
Set the duration of SIP DTMF tones command - Set the duration of DTMF tones generated by the panel
for a SIP connection.
• Syntax:
• Variables:
duration: The duration in ms of DTMF tones generated by the panel for a SIP connection. Valid ranged
are 100 (default) to 3000.
• Example
Set the duration of DTMF tones generated for SIP to 500ms.
Enable SIP setup command - Registers a new user. Once the configuration has been updated, the ENABLE
command should be run to re-register the new user.
• Syntax:
Setup SIP password command - Sets the user password so this extension can connect to the SIP server
(SIP proxy server).
• Syntax:
• Variable:
password: The password for the user name
• Example:
Setup the password for this extension to 6003.