You can check the calibration of the laser using the following steps.
1) Set up the laser on a tripod on one side of a room, about 12”-24”
from the wall.
2) Point the laser towards the wall it is closest to, make a mark at the
laser height. Then rotate the laser to face the far wall, and make a
mark on that wall.
3) Reposition the laser and tripod to be about 12”-24” from the far wall
in the previous steps.
4) Point the laser towards the wall that it is close to, and mark the wall
at the laser height. Depending on how level the floor is, this mark
could be the same height as the mark in step 2.
5) Rotate the laser to face the first wall (which is now the far wall) and
mark the laser on that wall.
6) Measure the difference between the height of the two pairs of
7) Subtract the difference between the marks on the first wall from the
difference between the marks on the second wall.
8) Measure the distance between the two walls.
9) The ratio of the result of step 7 to the measurement in step 8 is the
Keep this tool clean at all times. Do not immerse in water or other
liquids. Replace batteries as needed with two AA batteries. Regularly
wipe down the lenses with a lint-free cloth. The cloth may be
dampened with water, but DO NOT use alcohol or any other cleaning
chemical. Keep the level dry and avoid excessive dust build-up.
DO NOT disassemble this tool.
It contains very small wires which
are easily damaged. If repair or service is needed, contact us at
CustomerCare@AmstonTools.com to arrange a Service Ticket.
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