Demoboard Description
Revision 1.1/ 24/02/13
page 8/20
5.2 Description of the GUI of the Receiver
Figure 8: Graphical User Interface of the AS3933 Demoboard
All adjustments can be saved via Store Settings in the lower right corner of the Receiver tab. If all
settings should be reset to the default configuration push the button Preset Default. All
configurations that are set by the GUI correspond to the Register Map of the AS3933. The Register
Map can be viewed via View/Register Map (Ctrl+M). All registers can be updated manually via
File/Readout Registers (Ctrl+R) or the update of the registers is done automatically via
File/Automatic Update (Ctrl+U).
Note: A possible firmware update can be done via Help/Firmware Update (Ctrl+F). Load the latest
*.bin file and update the firmware.
5.2.1 Channel Enable
The AS3933 Demoboard has a three dimensional antenna. Each of the three antenna inputs can be
enabled or disabled.
5.2.2 Low Power Mode
The AS3933 features two low power modes, which can be selected here. By default no power
saving mode is enabled which means that all channels are active all the time. For details on the low
power modes please see the AS3933.