Demoboard Description
Revision 1.1/ 24/02/13
page 11/20
Double pattern: The wakeup pattern is doubled.
5.2.14 Automatic Time-Out
The Automatic Time-Out resets the WAKE pin automatically after a certain time. This time can be
selected between 0ms and 350ms.
5.2.15 Clear Wake
The Clear Wake button resets the WAKE pin manually.
5.2.16 Symbol Rate
The symbol rate can be adjusted between 512 Symbols/s and 4096 Symbols/s. The symbol sate
defines the duration of one bit via the 32.768 kHz clock in order to recover the data.
5.2.17 Check Resonance Frequency
The resonance frequency of all three channels of the antenna can be measured. This helps in
finding the correct capacitance to bring the LC circuit in resonance.
Note: It is important to reset this field to none in order to continue with other settings.
5.2.18 Input Capacitor Bank
The internal capacitor bank can be changed on each channel between 0pF and 32pF in order to
tune the antenna to the desired resonance frequency. The AS3933 Demoboard provides a switch to
tune the antenna automatically to 125 kHz. The internal capacitor bank is changed until the
resonance frequency of 125 kHz is achieved. After this procedure the register map can be updated
manually via File/Readout Registers (Ctrl+R) in order to see the added capacitors at each channel.
5.2.19 Artificial Wakeup
It is possible to enable the Artificial Wakeup with a wake-up period between 1s and 2 hours.
5.2.20 Clear False Wakeup
The false wake-up register counts the number of frequency detections that do not match the wake-
up pattern. The actual number of false wake-ups can be deleted via the Clear False Wakeup button.
5.2.21 Reset RSSI
Reset the current RSSI measurement.