Demoboard Description
Revision 1.1/ 24/02/13
page 13/20
5.3.4 Enable Buzzer
The transmitter board sends out a tone whenever a packet is transmitted. This tone can be disabled
5.3.5 Wakeup Pattern (Manchester)
The wake-up pattern transmitted by the transmitter board must correlate to the wake-up pattern
expected by the AS3933 Demoboard for successful wake-up generation. For more details on the
wake-up pattern see section 5.2.12.
5.3.6 Manchester Pattern Length
Please see description above in section 5.2.13.
5.3.7 Correlator
Please see description above in section 5.2.13.
Note: It is important to note that the symbol rate, wake-up pattern, pattern length, and the
Correlator have the same settings at the AS3933 Demoboard and the 125kHz Wake-up Transmitter
Board. Otherwise the demoboard will not recognize the signal that is transmitted by the 125 kHz
Wake-up Transmitter Board. If something does not work, restore the default settings at the
demoboard and transmitter board.