6. If the commands above were entered and the correct prompt was not received, then type “V”. The correct prompt
from typing “V” is “
620VN version 1.0
(C)opyright Amptec Research 3/16/2013”. If this prompt was not received,
then the firmware of the unit is out of date and must be updated. If the correct prompt was received, but the
commands in bullet 5 did not yield the correct prompt, then there is a defect in the unit.
7. If every command up to this point has yielded the correct prompt, then the unit is operating correctly. Other
commands available for this unit are:
i. Should receive resistance reading displayed on screen corresponding to the range that the unit is
currently operating in.
ii.Must be in Single Read Mode to receive this command properly.
i. Should receive prompt “Continuous Read Mode Selected”.
ii.This command continuously displays the resistance being measured. The only way to exit
Continuous Read Mode is to type “S” to enter into Single Read Mode.
If every command entered yielded the correct prompt(s) that were detailed above, then the unit is operating correctly. If
incorrect prompts were received, try repeating the command, or repeating the process listed in bullet 6.
For further information regarding the
Explosive Safety Igniter Tester or any other AMPTEC product,
please contact us at:
Phone: (512) 858-4045
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