MVP30 Operators
’ Guide
AML Oceanographic Ltd.
Manual Override must be in the OFF position.
5. Turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to Hand mode.
6. Ensure there is enough tow cable deployed to lower the fish into the water. If not, use the
Remote Pendant to deploy more cable, maintaining tension on the tow cable as it is being
CAUTION: Whenever the winch drum is rotated in manual mode, the operator must first
ensure that there is no slack tow cable on the drum. Slack cable can
potentially cause the tow cable to wrap around itself or around the drum
supports. This could cause damage to the tow cable.
Deploying and recovering the tow fish should be done with the vessel traveling at a slow
speed, approximately three knots. The fish is nose heavy when hanging from the bridle so
pick up the fish by the top part of the bridle (do not grab the lower part of the bridle as
fingers could be pinched if the fish rotates); the fish will rotate nose down. With one hand on
the bridle, use the other to rotate and hold the fish nose up as it is lowered into the water. As
the fish hits the water, deploy the slack tow cable by hand until the fish is under tow and
tension is applied to the cable. Check that the fish is towing in a nose-forward orientation.
8. In Hand mode, deploy tow cable until the fish is in the towed position. The dock messenger
will trip the inner-sheave limit switch resulting in an emergency stop. An emergency stop can
be avoided by pressing and holding the Inner Sheave Reset
button until the ‘Dock’
messenger clears the limit switch.
If an emergency stop occurs and the messenger remains below the inner sheave limit
switch, the emergency stop is cleared by switching the Hand/Off/Auto switch to OFF and
then back to Hand while holding in the Inner Sheave Reset button. The Inner Sheave Reset
button must be held in until the cable is deployed past the inner sheave limit switch which
will clear the inner sheave emergency stop.
CAUTION: This feature does exactly what it says
– overrides the Emergency Stop!
If activation of the inner-sheave limit switch with the messenger does not
result in an Emergency Stop, do not proceed any further until the
messenger and/or the limit switch have been inspected for proper
adjustment and the problem is resolved!
Continue to deploy cable
until the ‘Dock’ messenger is about 15cm inboard of the inner
The system requires the messenger to trigger the limit switch in the outer
sheave before an automatic deployment and recovery can be completed.
9. At the Control Box, turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to Auto mode
During this procedure, wait
for a few seconds at the OFF position to allow for the embedded controller to re-initialize
properly when switched from Hand to Auto. The system is now ready for automatic