MVP30 Operators
’ Guide
AML Oceanographic Ltd.
CAUTION: Do not leave your watch with the system in this mode without informing
your replacement and do not forget that it is operating.
The MVP Controller software also enables viewing of the completed profiles automatically, but this
feature should b
e used with due consideration. When the ‘View Profile’ option is enabled in the
Main Operator Window, most of the window will be obscured due to the appearance of plots
displayed of the most recently completed MVP profile.
These windows should not be left displayed for long periods of time during operations as the
operator will have no indication of what the fish is doing as it is being deployed and recovered.
NOTE: For an explanation of all options available in the MVP software and their
function, refer to the Software Manual.
If the tow cable needs to be pulled off the drum, the winch can be put into Freewheel mode from
the Control Box.
CAUTION: Make sure the fish is not hanging from the sheave when freewheel is activated
from the Control Box. If the fish is hanging, it will drop and could cause
serious injury and/or damage to the tow fish.
1. Turn the Hand/Off/ Auto switch to Hand mode
2. Turn the Freewheel switch to ON and pull cable off the drum as necessary.
3. Turning the Freewheel switch to OFF will apply the brake and lock the drum.
The Manual Logging feature in the Main Operator Window is used to select logging of data from
the Free Fall fish instrument during manual stationary profiles. The switch may be used to
enable Manual Data Logging for test purposes or to do a manual profile similar to a
conventional CTD profile when the winch is in Hand mode.
When logging is enabled, a window will appear asking the user to confirm the new file name.
The selected Sound Velocity data files are automatically generated when manual logging is
turned off after logging of a manual profile has been completed.
CAUTION: Do not execute tight turns while a profile is being conducted as this could
result in:
- The tow cable being tangled with other towed devices causing
damage to the tow cable.
- The tow cable rubbing on the side of the vessel or the tow body hitting the
side of the vessel. If the tow body is in danger of hitting the side of the
vessel, it should be retrieved during the turning process and returned to the
water once the turn is completed.