2016 All Material Handling
Serial No.:
For New hoist and after inactivity of more than one month
in compliance with ASME B30 & OSHA
New Hoist are to be inspected before use and must be recorded. No load test is
required if tested and certified when manufactured. The new hoist test certification
supplied with the hoist should be filed with the initial Preoperation Inspection. The date
of this Preoperation Inspection, not the date on the load test, will become the start date
for entering a new unit into service and determining timing of future periodic inspections.
Units returned to service after inactivity of more than one month, are to be
inspected before use and must be recorded. This inspection does not affect the date of
the next periodic test as previously scheduled.
Owners Name:
Description :
Working Load Limit (WLL):
Evaluated by:
Check List.
a) Proper operation and any unusual sounds.
b) Visually inspects hooks for deformation or bending and to verify latches function.
c) Visually inspect Load chain for twist, damage or excessive wear between links.
d) Visually inspect the Hoist body and lever for damage.
e) Fasteners are in place and tight.
Tail chain stop is in place.
g) Nameplate and Warnings and operation instruction label are legible.