932512A / 0114
928 Suite
Maximum Counting Rate
200 MHz.
Number of Counters
4 (928 and 928-COUNT-4) or 2 (928-COUNT-2).
Number of Timers
2 (928 and 928-COUNT-4) or 1 (928-COUNT-2)
Count Capacity
32 bits.
Pulse Pair Resolution
7 ns.
Inputs and Outputs
Counter Input 1, 2, 3, 4
Fast analog signal input accepts analog or digital pulses up to ±5 V in amplitude on a front-
panel BNC connector. Pulses are counted as they cross the discriminator threshold. Computer selection of triggering
on either positive or negative slope. Threshold is computer adjustable from –1.6 V to +3 V in steps of 1.5 mV
(minimum pulse 30 mV). Computer selection of either 50 Ω or 1000 Ω input impedance, dc-coupled. Minimum input
pulse width is 3.5 ns at the discriminator threshold. Maximum counting rate is 200 MHz.
Input 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Front-panel BNC inputs accept any TTL input signal.
Output 1, 2
Rear-panel BNC outputs act as general purpose TTL outputs. Low is indicated by <0.4 V. High is indicated
by >+2.4 V. The outputs can drive 50 Ω. The outputs can be configured under software control to one of the following
Timer Interval Output
High when the counting interval is active.
Logic Level
Set high or low from software.
Counter Overflow n
“Pulse” option: 1 μs wide pulse with rising edge synchronized to the rollover of a selected counter
(n = 1, 2, 3 or 4).
“Level” option: On overflow, output remains high until manually reset.
Timer Overflow n
“Pulse” option: 100 ns wide pulse with rising edge synchronized to the rollover of a selected timer
(n = 1 or 2).
“Level” option: On overflow, output remains high until manually reset.
CRM Alarm n
Set high when count rate alarm is triggered (n = 1, 2, 3 or 4).
Software Control
Hardware command
where n is the output and x is 0 or 1.
Counter/Timer Software Control
Each of the counters has the following inputs and outputs.
Counter Input
Can be used simply as a pulse counter, or can be configured to count one of the following:
Any one of the counter input signals listed for the corresponding front-panel input.
The overflow output of any other counter or timer.