124945 01
Receipt of the pressure calibration system
The pressure calibration system is delivered as standard in a carrying
case and should always be placed in the case after use.
When you receive the pressure calibration system…
Carefully unpack and check the pump, the pressure gauges and
the accessories.
Check the parts off against the list shown below.
If any of the parts are missing or damaged, please contact the
dealer who sold the pressure calibration system.
You should receive:
1 pump system T-620 incl. 0.5 m. hose
(MGC-LOW – system 1 - 3) / 1 pump system T-
620H incl. 0.5 m. hose (MGC-LOW – system 4)
2 precision pressure gauges (1/4” BSP)
(MGC-LOW – system 1 – 3) / 3 precision
pressure gauges (1/4” BSP) (MGC-LOW –
system 4)
4 adapters (1/4” x 1/4” BSP, 1/4” x 3/8” BSP,
1/2” x 1/4” BSP, 1/4" x 3/4" BSP) (MGC-LOW)
1 pump system P-142 incl. 0.5 m hose
3 precision pressure gauges (3/8” BSP)