8200-0813-01, REV. B0
6 of 12
3. Click on the
MPCPU > Status > Monitor
option in the tree and wait for the
information to be filled in completely.
4. Verify whether or not every monitor has
camera one selected. If the associations have
not been preserved (all monitors have camera
one selected), they will have to be entered
manually with a keyboard using the .xps file
created at the beginning of this procedure.
Manual Synchronization of the ADMPCPU’s
Camera to Monitor Selections
1. Navigate to the location of the .xps file created
at the beginning of this procedure.
2. Double-click on its icon to display the file in
Windows Internet Explorer.
3. Using a keyboard attached to the system,
select each monitor and enter the camera
number recorded in the .xps file for that
monitor. If there was a tour loaded for that
particular monitor, initiate the corresponding
tour. Leave it running or pause it as the
snapshot dictates.
4. Repeat the process for all monitors on the
physical site.
Upgrade Procedure for Dual-
MPCPU (Hotswitch)
It is strongly
recommended that a copy of the database be
read from the active MPCPU and saved to the
local hard disk drive of the EASY CPU
Configurator PC before starting this
procedure. This will ensure that all recent
changes made to the MPCPU by all parties
having the ability to do so have been captured
to a backup file. Please refer to the
MegaPower® CPU ADMPCPU Administrator’s
Guide, 8200-0421-03 for details on performing
this procedure.
Even though the upgrade process must be
completed for both CPUs of a dual-MPCPU
system, don’t continue with the second (selected)
unit until the first (standby) CPU has been verified
as successfully completed.
Determining the Backup ADMPCPU
1. First, determine which MPCPU is the backup
unit by either looking at the front LCD panels or
initiating a Passive Hot Switch Status window
on EASY CPU Configurator. If looking at the
front panel, a “down” arrow indicates the
backup CPU and an “up” arrow indicates the
selected CPU. Make sure that the status of
the respective IP addresses are clearly known
before continuing with this procedure.
2. If physical access to the rack mounted units is
not possible or inconvenient, launch the
originally supplied version of EASY CPU
3. Open an existing *.mpcpu file containing the
target MPCPU IP address using
File > Open…
or simply select
MPCPU > System > Options
and enter the IP address manually in the
Some older
versions of EASY CPU Configurator did not
permit obtaining Passive Hot Switch Status for
both units. The solution was to change CPU
#1’s IP address specification to match the
target MPCPU.
4. Click on the
MPCPU > Status > Passive Hot
Switch Status
option in the tree and wait for
the information to be filled in completely.
5. Scroll horizontally to view the
“PushButtonState” column.
6. Once the IP Address of the unit in backup
mode is known, close EASY CPU Configurator
and proceed to the next section.
TFTP File Transfers to the ADMPCPU
Do the following:
1. Click
on the Status bar, and then click
, The Run screen appears.