Freedom AD Model
Thank you for choosing America Hears FreedomAD hearing aids!
FreedomAD hearing aids are available exclusively from America Hears and offer you the
latest in digital hearing aid technology and unparalleled convenience.
With America Hears FreedomAD hearing aids you will enjoy the world's first wide dynamic
range optimizer. Featuring ADRO
technology our instruments, with the power of DSP,
carry out sophisticated analysis and implement fuzzy logic rules to continuously optimize
output. This will provide you listening comfort as well as improved speech perception in all
listening environments.
Operating in 32 channels, your FreedomAD hearing aids provide natural amplified sound by
using statistical analysis to compare and adjust the output of each channel of the hearing aid
to comfortable and audible levels chosen by the user. There are no compression thresholds,
ratios, or attack and release times to adjust, and gain levels change only when appropriate.
Your hearing aids are programmed at the factory to your specific hearing loss.
also have the option of adjusting your hearing aids anytime you like, quickly and simply from
your home or office with our optional remote programming package.
Please carefully read the enclosed instructions to begin enjoying your new hearing aids.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist
you. America Hears hearing professionals stand ready to provide you with any and all
assistance you may need.
Thank you again for your confidence in America Hears and our exclusive FreedomAD
hearing aids. At America Hears, service to our customers is the hallmark upon which we
have built our company – and we look forward to working with you for many years to come.
We're always here to help: 800-492-4515
ADRO® is a registered Trade
mark of Dynamic Hearing Pty. Ltd.