Special Precautions
Your instruments are delicate, precision electronic devices and as such, require the
special care and handling that would be afforded to any fine piece of equipment.
Please read and follow the listed precautions to insure quality performance and long
instrument life:
Remove your batteries when your hearing instruments will not be in use for
prolonged periods of time.
Store your instruments in the drying kit provided when not in use.
Do not throw or drop your instruments.
Do not immerse hearing instruments in liquid or water.
Do not wear during bathing, showering, or swimming.
Do not expose instruments to excessive heat, such as a stove top, microwave,
dash board of a hot car, or a hair dryer.
Do not expose the instruments to chemicals, such as hair spray, insect
repellent, perfume, or cosmetics.
Special Note: Your hearing instruments are built with the finest quality materials.
However, in rare instances, an individual may experience sensitivity to the materials
used. Please consult with your physician if you exhibit any signs of skin irritation,
allergic reaction, or accelerated accumulation of cerumen (wax).
Should you have a sensitivity problem, please call or send us an email to inquire
about special hypoallergenic coatings available to assist with these situations.