300Mbps Wireless Access Point
Wireless Signal:
Click “Disable” to turn off all the wireless features
of this AP; click “Enable” to turn them back on.
Network Mode
Select one mode from the following. The default is
11b/g/n mode.
11b mode
Allow the wireless client to connect with the device in
11b mode at the maximum speed of 11Mbps.
11g mode
Allow the 11g/11n-compliant client device to connect
with the AP at the maximum speed of 54Mbps.
11b/g mode
Allow the 11b/g-compliant client device to connect
with the AP with auto-negotiation speed, and 11n wireless client to
connect the device with 11g speed.
11b/g/n mode
Allow 11b/g/n-compliant client device to connect
with the AP with auto- negotiation speed. The maximum speed is