1.1 CAMINO-201 Overview
The CAMINO-201 is a Class B AIS transponder using carrier-sense TDMA (CSTDMA)
technology. It is designed to inter-operable and compatible with Class A or other Class B
shipborne mobile AIS stations or any other AIS station operating on the AIS VHF data link.
AIS uses marine VHF channels with frequency set universally from 156.025 MHz
to 162.025 MHz. Having CAMINO-201 AIS on board, not only can you monitor the status of the
vessels in the surrounding area, but also receive the dynamic information (position, speed, SOG,
and etc.), static information (ship name, MMSI, call sign, and etc.), and voyage related
information (cargo type, destination, and etc.) from any vessels equipped with AIS.
AIS is one of the cutting-edge navigational aid equipment allowing real-time
information exchanges within AIS network.
is also capable of integrating with other maritime
systems such as Electronic Chart System (hereinafter called “ECS”) for various maritime
navigation applications.
CAMINO-201 is designed with 2 RF receivers and 1 RF transmitter. One of the RF receivers is
time-shared between AIS and DSC. At front side, CAMINO-
201 equips with 5.7” LCD display