Chapter 5
The power consumption of the Zynq
Ult™ RFSoC XCZU48DR-2FSVG1517E device
must be limited to a 40A maximum current draw on the combined V
and SD-FEC rails. This
limitation is rooted in the 0.85V POL powering these rails. It is expected that he 5G workload
running on the Zynq Ult RFSoC can be accommodated well within this power limit.
The Xilinx
Power Estimator (XPE) tool must be used to ensure that this 40A maximum current
limit for the combined V
and SD-FEC rails is observed at the maximum operating junction
temperature of 100°C. The card protection circuit initiates a fatal shutdown if the V
and SD-
FEC power consumption continues to exceed this threshold after the
signal has
been asserted.
The T2 card is powered from the PCIe bus, with the following maximum current levels expected
from each rail:
• 12V at 4.5A
• 3.3V at 2.5A
The total T2 maximum power consumption is expected to be ~62W.
Chapter 5: Power
UG1496 (v1.0) June 15, 2022
T2 Telco Accelerator Card User Guide